How to Deal with a Picky Shih Tzu Eater

How to Deal with a Picky Shih Tzu Eater

Shih Tzus are adorable, fun-loving dogs that make excellent companions. However, like any dog, they can be picky eaters. Picky eating can lead to nutritional deficiencies and health problems, so it’s important to take steps to encourage your dog to eat a balanced diet. Here’s how to deal with a picky Shih Tzu eater.

Understanding Picky Eating in Shih Tzus

Some Shih Tzus are simply finicky eaters, while others may have underlying health conditions that cause them to be picky. These conditions include dental problems and gastrointestinal issues. Picky eating can be a major concern, as it can lead to malnutrition, a weaker immune system, and increased susceptibility to infections. Signs of picky eating in Shih Tzus include refusing food, frequent vomiting, and a low energy level

Tips for Encouraging your Shih Tzu to Eat

If your Shih Tzu is a picky eater, there are several things you can do to encourage them to eat. First, make mealtime fun by introducing games while feeding them. Toys that dispense food or training to learn tricks could keep things new and interesting. Secondly, try different types of food including homemade diet or switching among wet and dry food. Remain consistent at meal times to help your Shih Tzu to develop a regular feeding schedule. Involve them in the food-making process, adding an element of excitement and ownership. Finally, hand-feed your Shih Tzu, which can help make eating a more intimate and enjoyable experience.

Choosing the Right Food for Your Shih Tzu

Choosing the Right Food for Your Shih Tzu

It’s important to choose the right type of food for your Shih Tzu to ensure they eat a balanced diet. When looking for dog food, choose a high-quality option with good sources of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Look for food with natural ingredients, and avoid those made with fillers like corn, soy, and wheat. Also, keep in mind any sensitivities or allergies your Shih Tzu may have.

Other Ways to Encourage Better Eating Habits in your Shih Tzu

If your Shih Tzu is still being picky despite your best efforts, consider using positive reinforcement. Reward your dog with their favorite treat or a bit of their favorite food when they eat. Ensure your Shih Tzu gets enough exercise, as it can help stimulate appetite. Most importantly, take them to the veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues that may be causing picky eating. In addition, try a food topper such as gravy or broth to make the food more enticing to your dog.

Youtube Video “How to Deal with a Shih Tzu who is a Picky Eater”


Picky eating in a Shih Tzu can be frustrating, but with patience and persistence, you can find a diet that works for your furry friend. Remember to choose high-quality food, make mealtime enjoyable, and consider other ways to encourage your Shih Tzu to eat. By doing so, you can help keep your Shih Tzu healthy and happy for years to come.


How can I encourage my Shih Tzu to eat?

You can encourage your Shih Tzu to eat by making mealtime more fun, trying different types of food, and involving them in the food-making process. Hand-feeding is also an option and giving food toppers.

What kind of food should I give my Shih Tzu?

Choose high-quality dog food with good sources of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Look for natural ingredients and avoid fillers like corn, soy, and wheat. Consider the sensitivity and allergies of the Shih Tzu as well.

What if my Shih Tzu still refuses to eat?

If your Shih Tzu is still picky despite trying different strategies, consider using positive reinforcement. Reward your dog with their favorite treat or a bit of their favorite food when they eat.

Can I give my Shih Tzu homemade food?

Yes, you can give your Shih Tzu homemade food, but ensure it has a good balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Ask your vet for more advice.

Can exercise help stimulate my Shih Tzu’s appetite?

Yes, exercise can help stimulate your Shih Tzu’s appetite and improve their overall health.

What should I do if my Shih Tzu is vomiting frequently?

Frequent vomiting may indicate an underlying health condition. Take your Shih Tzu to the vet to rule out any health problems.

Should I hand-feed my Shih Tzu?

Hand-feeding can be helpful in making mealtime more enjoyable and intimate for your Shih Tzu. It may encourage them to eat better.

Can changing the type of food I give my Shih Tzu help?

Yes, trying out a different type of food might help, but introduce the change gradually to avoid digestive problems.

How often should I feed my Shih Tzu?

Feeding schedules depend on the age, weight, and activity level of your Shih Tzu. Consult your vet to create a feeding regime that suits them.

Should I take my Shih Tzu to the vet if they are always a picky eater?

It’s advisable to take your Shih Tzu to the vet to rule out any underlying health problems that might be causing picky eating. They will give you advice on how to manage the problem as well.

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